Tuesday 5 April 2016

Pen 4-ever?

Jonny Labey & Harry Reid.

Do I really need to say that I am excited!I really hope that Eastenders will give Pen a go after they almost muffed it the last time with Abi and some made-up baby! I really do think that Ben Mitchell and Paul Coker deserves a chance this time! And before the new Johnny Carter shows up and screws everything up!


  1. YES PLEASE1 BRING ON THE PEN! OR THE BAUL or whatever people are calling it!
    I hope Johnny's character isn't problematic to their ship, suddenly not so excited about his return tbh! :/

    1. Ok, so Baul is on the market as well? Na, sticking with Pen. Baul sounds weird. But I sure love that ship!
