Friday 15 April 2016

A Robron break again...

Isobel Flaherty, Ryan Hawley & Danny Miller.

I have to confess. I am on another Robron break. It's not that I don't ship them or love the storyline, but there's just so much angst that I can't take continue watching before I know that something good happens! And Aaron have been in so much pain lately that it's painful to watch! All the stuff with the awful Gordon and his annoying little sister Liv and stuff... I have just been waiting for something good to happen!

Robert & Aaron finally kiss again!

And yesterday this happened! I watched it a couple of ours ago and I just have to continue the storyline after this! I mean, how long have we waited since the last kiss? It has to have been a year! And yes, we have waited long enough. This is our reward. Finally. Can't wait to see how this develops! And do you know what? There's people at least as big Robron shippers as me and my loyal blogreading friend Shipswrecked. And that's the whole Emmerdale team! Social media is full of it. And you know what else? I really think that Robert is ready for this now!


  1. first of all, I can't believe I got a shout out on my favorite blog! Wooohooo! Thank you!!

    And we've waited, according to the fandom, 268 days since their last kiss LOL these are my OTP. Domestic bliss didn't last long, but at least they're together now and out and public about it which makes me so happy!
    the show's boss actually LOVES them! and constantly acknowledges it and the fans on social media, he even stated that they're one of those couples he can see for years to come!

    also, if you're not caught up, these are serious spoilers: Liv continues to be annoying af. I'm glad gordon got locked up! I honestly don't think i EVER hated a character as much as i hated gordon, in the words of Kelly Clarkson, "I would never wish bad things, but i don't wish you well." lol

    1. Thank you for the spoilers! And you are very welcome :)
