Friday 4 March 2016

Are you trying to kill me?!

WTF Salatut Elämät?! You sure know how to break hearts! Why are you ruining this for me? Just when we got Lalle back together we have to make Kalle unfaithful, because there are no happy gay couple anywhere so the soap operas have to reflect the reality or what?! Ridiculous! Well, at least this pleases all the Larias-shippers and Kalle-haters in the world. But, when it comes out, i has to because it is a soap opera, Lari just can't hesitate to forgive Kalle after his little slip with Elias last winter. Otherwise it's really unfair!


  1. This is not right. :( Kalle isn't the type to cheat. it's so out of character for him. even if he was drunk. whyyyyyyyyy do they have to do that? I ship Larias and Lalle the same, so I wouldn't mind either being a couple, but I don't want it to happen if that means someone gets hurt or a character gets ruined. I hope Lari understands. side note: This could lead to a very interesting addiction storyline for kalle.

    1. Yes, that would be interesting! But also a bit out of character for me... For me, Kalle is the teddy bear that is kinder than kindest, so I don't like this at all! When, or if, the day comes that Larias will get back together again I will accept that. I was a hardcore Larias shipper before Lalle, so I will manage, but I just can't accept them ruining Kalle and making him the bad guy just to get Larias back together again! That is so unecessary!

    2. I agree with that, Kalle is a cinnamon roll and doesn't deserve this, I hope that Lari forgives him but I still think that this is a perfect way to segue into a storyline that's less about his relationship and more about him as a person. I can see lari being there for him and supporting him through his addiction, which would only make them stronger.

    3. I would really love that! Please give it to me!

  2. I´m very sad that want separate this couple, I like them very much, but there are more fans of Larias than fans of Lalles.
    Thanks for all

    1. But Lalle is better, don't you agree? All the Larias shippers are wrong!

    2. Yes, Lalle is better! but those closed minds aren´t able to see it.
      Lalle forever!

    3. Yay! Ia a so happy that there is another hardcore Lalle shipper out there!
