Saturday 8 August 2015

Larias rewatch

Larias on the floor.
 I got inspired by my faghag friend att started rewatching Larias. And I really do enjoy it! When I discovered Elias and Lari about two years ago I got really spellbound by it! I am kind of reliving that now. Larias was actually the second longer gay storyline I watched nd that was after Fervid, my biggest crush! Larias was my runner up for quite a while. And it really is someting special about them!

Petteri Paavola and Ronny Roslöf.

And I think that's because the really special chemistry between the actors Petteri and Ronny. They have said in tínterviews that they are really good friends, the do enjoy working together and that they are working hard to get the cuddling look as natural as possible. And that is clearly showing. And it is really cozy watching this storyline again! The Finnish has really given us something special!

Elias and Lari.

And back in the days I really was rooting for Lari with Elias and I was a hardcore Larias shipper. I couldn't imagine anything else and it really broke my heart when Lari left the anti-gay camp with Elias heartbroken. There was some Larias-snogging after that which I really enjoyed, but then I came round. And with a bang!

Kristoffer, Sven-Erik and Pauli.

Ok, that actually isn't Lari, Kalle and Elias, that's Kristoffer, Sven-Erik and Pauli in Satula. And isn't it just hilarious that Pete plays Ronny's father in Satula?! The writers of Salatut Elämät has a lot of humour at least! But you already know that I, nowdays, am a real hardcore Lalle shipper, so I won't bore you with that again. But sometimes it fell like I (and my faghag friend) are the only ones in the whole world who ships Lalle? Are there any more out there?

Anyways, I am really enjoying wtching Larias right now, and I even got some Larias feels, but I know all of that will go away wheen Kalle comes along. I can't wait for that! And another joy about watching Larias again is I get some more of Kalle to. He is just so amazing!


  1. Omg, I'm rewatching Larias too! I know you're a Lari + Kalle shipper now and you've abandoned us in the Larias ship, but we still love you.

    Anyways, you should join our discussion at

    We'd love to hear from you!

    1. Well, it is really a warm and cozy ship :) I am working joining you, just have to work out how it works :)

  2. Who knows, things ended pretty sadly for Elias... maybe he'll start on a stronger love line this time? We'll see when he gets back.

    Here's some basic info if you need it:

    Also, just contact me /u/yamilee or the mod /u/wumikomiko who is very nice if you need any help or anything.

    1. I have made an account, but I'm trying to get a grip over it :)
