Thursday 9 October 2014

An Olli check up

So, what happens with Olli? Is the house gay of Verbotene Liebe getting any action after the divorce from Christian? Well, it seems so. It didn't go any where with Sascha apparently, (no wonder because he is straight. I mean writers, why do you have to serve only straight guys to Olli?) and now it seems like Olli has a new fling coming.

Mickey Hardt as Jo and Jo Weil as Olli.

The spoliers tell us that apparently there is a romans starting in about a week including Olli (Jo Weil) and new character, the doctor, Josef "Jo" Helmke. If you recognize the name Helmke I can tell you that yes, it is Frank Helmkes half brother. And this character Jo seems to be at least bisexual. We know that because he used to have a boyfriend called Samuel. But what surprises me is that he also had a one night stand with Ollis half sister Bella. I mean, why just have sex with one sibling? So, what I can read from the spoilers there is an affair on the way, but no relationship announced yet.

So, now I wonder two things. First: Why have the writers given the new fling for Olli the same name as the actor who plays Olli? Dr Josef is called Jo, and the actor Johannes is called Jo. Very confusing? And second: When is Christian coming back? Really, if the series is going to be cancelled, I think it's not to much to demand one of the greatest gay love storys to end well. What about a happy ending for a gay love story for a change? But I also realise that if there is going to be some Oliver Sabel action again, I need to sontinue watching this story. Olli is a nice character and Jo Weil seems to be a really nice guy. Win win.


  1. so what is the end of Jo and Olli? I remember that they want to find a place to stay together. And after that, Olli just left without any explanation. Ah~~ I am really frustrated about the current situation.

    1. I haven't actually seen the Jo and Olli storyline. Didn't like Jo at all. Olli should be with Christian!
