Wednesday 20 January 2016

Greatest gift of them all

It's my birthday tomorrow and could it be so good that Salatut Elämät is giving me a Lalle reunion as a birthday gift! I really hope so! So let's do some photo bombing!

Ok, three of them are pretty much the same, but it's my blog and it's my birthday. Tomorrow... But really, if the SE writers are going to reunite Lari and Kalle for real, I am very impressed and happy! Because to me that relationship is the real deal. Larias was always to immature and teenagy. And thank you Ronny and Pete for giving us yesterdays scenes. I loved them! Pete has been great for ages, and Ronny is becoming quite a star!


  1. This made me so happy. IT was amazing to see, and It must've been an amazing gift as well ;)
    So many good things are happening to my ships these days, Robron had a great week, despite the general heartbreaking revelations that left me in tears.
    also, Ben and Paul had a busy couple of days, and apparently is gonna get even busier next week!
    Even Zude is looking promising despite them not being together at the moment!
    I'm just so happy for my ships lol
