Sunday 7 June 2015

Lalle in pictures

Ok, there is no secret that I ship Lalle much more than Larias in Salatut Elämät right now. And I really do think that I will be a Lalle-shipper until the bitter end. I mean, Lalle is such a more interesting relationship than Larias. There is just so much more dimentions to it. There is the age difference, the fact that Kalle is not Lari's first boyfriend, the fact that Kalle is a doctor, and he is also a rape victim. And the fact that Kalle is a well-educated physician and that used to be homeless and is now working in a café makes it even more interesting. For me Lalle is the real deal. But I just know that Elias will ruin it all. But in the meantime I am going to enjoy Lalle as long as it lasts. Here are some pictures that I haven't posted before.

And also, Pete Lattu and Ronny Roslöf are great actors. But I've told you that before!

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