Friday 26 August 2016

Jude & Noah?

Hayden Byerly & Kalama Epstein

But what happened to Jude "turning straight again". There's seems to be anew guy in his life called Noah (Kalama Epstein) who he apparently met at Taylor's church group! i didn't see that coming! Maybe it's worth taking The Fosters up again? Jude & Noah, who apparently has the ship name Joah, has already shared two kisses and that's more than ever Jonnor did! But I think I will miss Connor though. Hopefully Gavin MackIntosh will make a jealous guest appearance and mess aound in the pot a little bit!


  1. I miss connor already :( I haven't checked out the show since he left, let me know if its worth checking out or not :o

    1. Well I'm not sure since I kind of also lost interest for it when Connor left...
