Ok, because of the celebration of Hollyoaks 20 years I think I will have a small Hollyoaks special here on the blog. That could be a sequel, because there's just so much to tell! Hollyoaks has dealed with a lot of LGBT related issues through the years with two gay rapes, at least two transsexuals, a poly relationship, crossdressing more than once and lot's and lot's more. But let's just concentrate on the gay regular characters for a while.
James Sutton as John Paul McQueen. |
It all started with John Paul McQueen in 2006. He fell in love with his best friend Craig Dean who he had a secret relatiosnhip with and both dated a DJ and a priest before he left the show in 2008. Thank gods he returned in 2012, after James Sutton made a litte voyage in Emmerdale as a straight character, who actually worked with Aaron Livesy. The world is quite small indeed. Then he slept with Ste's great big love, Brendan Brady, dated Ste's ex Doug for a short while, had a secret relationship with Ste's dad, Danny Lomax, before he ended up with Ste Hay himself! And they broke up and he also had an affair with his cousin's husband, Lockie. A lot has happened to John Paul McQueen! And I love him, both John Paul and James Sutton. I hope he will stay for a long time this time around!
Jake Hendriks plays Kieorn Hobbs. |
So, Kieron Hobbs played by Jake Hendriks. The gay catholic priest who stopped preaching for love. He was a nice guy but I never really liked him. He was quite boring and he just wasn't Craig Dean! So I never really liked him with John Paul. But he didn't deserve to die. Damn Niall. Well, Kieron wasn't a regular for so long, about a half year, but I think he was a popular character in the show. Everybody liked the priest. Except for Myra McQueen for a while when she discovered his relationship with John Paul...
Kieron Richardson as Ste Hay. |
And then there's the lovely Ste Hay. I have to say that he is lovely, even though he started up as a bad guy who tormented por Amy and cut her hair. Ste is just so dum, but of so wonderful! He can't help that he is a twat, because he is damaged goods. But he also has a good heart and you just have to love him! Even though he always takes the wrong decisions! Every time! But he is also very cute and funny. And I just love Kieron Richardson so much! he is an amazing actor! I don't always agree Ste in his choice of boyfriends though. He started off with Brendan Brady, who also abused him, then he dated the boring Noah Baxter for a while, then there was a bit more of Brendan, then Doug then more Brendan, then more Doug and then finally John Paul. Unfortunately he has moved on with Harry lately. I do ot approve and I am just waiting for Christmas and the McHay reunion that we are all waiting for!
Emmett J. Scanlan as Brendan Brady. |
An then, my personal favourite, Brendan Brady. I know that he is a super villain, but it's just not possible to dislike him! He was really treating Ste like shit for so long, and he didn't really deserve our love right then, but Emmett J. Scanlan is doing such a tremendous job and he is just so brilliant! Brendan Brady will for ever be my favourite gay character in Hollyoaks, and that's because of Emmett. John Paul is the most sympathique character, but Brendan is just the best! He was so weird and funny. It's so obvious that Brendan has a lot of diagnoses and he makes a lot of sick stuff, but we always forgive him. I mean, is there anyone out there who doesn't love Brendan Brady? Ste was the love of his life but he also had a one night stand with John Paul as told before, and he also seduced Ste's boyfriend Noah just to get Ste back. He did everything for love except for sacrifice his sister. I am still a bit bitter for that. Damn you Brendan!
Law Thompson plays Noah Baxter. |
I never liked Noah Baxter so I won't dwell on him. He was boring, he was totally wrong for Ste (rebound) and I never really got why he snogged Brendan. Ok, Brendan is amazing, but Noah hated him! I do not miss him at all.
P J Brennan as Doug Carter. |
Doug Carter was Ste's first husband who kind of sorted him out when he was atrain wreck after Brendan. And Doug was lovely! He started off as straight, but then he came out after falling for Ste. And even though I am a Stendan shipper, I really liked Stug. They were just good together. And it might be so that I accepted Doug because I knew that Ste would choose Brendan anyway. In any case, they were really cute together and they were also very good for eachother. Unfortunately Doug had to die. That was really a shame. And I also liked Doug with John Paul. They were cute to. I miss Doug. I think Doug could come back as a ghost for Ste just like Steph Dean did for him. That would be great!
Steven Roberts as George Smith. |
And here's an underrated gay character. George Smith was a regular in Hollyoaks in 2001-2014 and according to me he never got the gay storyline he deserved. It was just boring stuff with other character's in focus. He had one serious relationship with Vincent Elegba, but they were really boring together. He also had some kind of crush on Ste, who he also lost his virginity to, and he also almost had the hots for Danny Lomax a short while. I would like to have seen more of that. But at least he got a happy ending when he left Hollyoaks for London and Vincent. I hope he will come back some time I miss his funny character and his always amazing and a bit tacky clothes. I think he would be great with Scott actually! Could we please see that Hollyoaks?
John Omole as Vincent Elegba. |
I don't really have much to say about Vincent. I haven't seen the storyline about him and George enough to have an oppinion about him, more than that it was quite boring and that Vincent seemed like a nice guy, but boring. Not enough sparks basically. But at least they got to have sex at last. And an happy ending. But boring.
Ross Adams as Scott Drinkwell. |
Oh Scott how I disliked you in the beginning. But now I love you! Scott Drinkwell was a pain in the ass when he arrived because he was a threat to McHay, but now he is really funny and cute and I so would like to see him in a real storyline in the name of lööve. There's not much to choose from if George doesn't come back, that is, but for Harry or maybe Lockie. I think I could live with both the alternatives. He thinks that Harry is cute, but I think that he is maybe a bit young. But I would really like Lockie Campbell in a real "can't-live-without-eachother"-storyline, and why not with Scott? Or at least give him a great new character to play with! Just keep him of Ste and John Paul!
Parry Glasspool as Harry Thompson. |
Last, and least right know, there's Harry Thompson. Harry is young and innocent and completely wrong for Ste if you ask me. If you read y blog you already know that I am not a fan of Starry. I see no sparks and I am just longing for McHay so much right know. I couldn't care less for Starry! Harry actually started of with a small crush for, and snog with, John Paul and I liked that much more. I could see it. But I just can't see Harry with Ste. It came from nowhere and makes no sense at all! Please break up soon!
So, that was all the regular gay characters in Hollyoaks. I don't think I have missed anyone. But there are a lot more to that show! Hollyoaks is really the best soap opera to watch if you are a faghag!